Implement Beam hog modeling aligned to Australian Bridge design
Current Beam hog modeling is not as expected for Australian Bridges. Deck thickening can be applied, but the beams that support the deck do not follow the underside shape of the deck. The beams are straight, but really need to be curved and follow...
How can I design a turnout in 3D. Not only the rail but also all other details, such as sleepers, tongues, etc
Up to now the rails of the turnout can be created in 3D as 3D rails, but the turnout has many other elements, above all the sleepers are divided and all have different dimensions. How could this be created as 3D elements?
We are finding that our default model of a sheeted file is being clipped to what appears to be a named boundary. We have figured out that it happens upon usage of the Exchange and Activate commands to move to another model or file. We have asked o...
When I open a profile view, the default vertical exaggeration is 10. That is way too much. And I hate having to change it every time I open a profile view. Everyone is diffferent, though. I'm sure some folks love it. It would be nice if there was ...
Create Top and Bottom Meshes for Surface Templates
Currently ORD will create a top mesh and bottom mesh when a template is assigned to a corridor. However, when a template is assigned to a design non-corridor terrain, no top or bottom meshes are created. Doing so would be very useful for viewing o...
Currently, The 3D cut does not work on the closed alignment's profile model. This is required specially in the case of Roundabouts. We can not create a 3D cut on the Roundabout profiles.
Corridor Object liste de points controle, faire affiche le nom du point au lieu de description
Corridor Object liste de points contrôle, faire affiche le nom du point au lieu de description. c'est beaucoup plus utile de voir le nom la description est accessoire pour l'instant pour afficher le nom dans je le copie dans le champs "description"
The only option for placing a custom pier or abutment is by cell. It would be great if we had an option to place custom pier or abutment with a reference. Using standalone pier models have a lot of benefits and keeps the main model less heavy.