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Text Favorites for Start/End Station and Start/End Offsets of Plan and Profile Lines

When working with plan elements or profile elements, I often find myself needing to find the Start Station and End Station of a line element or a profile element. A text favorite would be useful for placing text for this information as annotation,...
4 months ago in Annotation / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

ORD Design File Settings>Working Unite>Resolution change tool

Is there a tool in ORD that can change the Design File Settings>Working Unite>Resolution and scale the model so that the model remains at the correct scale after the resolution change. Is there such a tool? If not, that is my design enhancem...

Clip Conduits (pipes) at inside edge of Drainage Structures and Report "True" Horizontal Lengths and Vertical Lengths in the Properties

This is more than useful; this is absolutely required. When laying out Drainage Networks, pipes need to be trimmed at the inside edge of the structures, and the "True" pipe lengths (horizontal & vertical) need to be provided in the properties....
4 months ago in Drainage and Utilities / Modeling / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 5 Already exists

Superelevation Frame Annotation Enhancements

Please consider the following enhancements for the profile frame annotation which is currently difficult to understand and lacks important functionality: Preview window should display an example superelevation diagram instead of remaining blank an...
9 months ago in Drawing Production / OpenRoads Designer / Superelevation 0 Future consideration

Remove "Apply Classifications to Library" button from Template Tools or make it more difficult to accidentally misclick.

The button as it functions now, is able to edit whole library with one click. One unnoticed misclick can lead to losing hours of work. Could this function be hidden a bit? Maybe under a separate menu "Edit library" or it could have a pop-up explai...
9 months ago in OpenRoads Designer / User Interface 0 Future consideration

Create a tool to clip alignments.

Create a tool to clip an alignment at any location along the alignment that does not affect or change the stationing or the station equations even if you are clipping the beginning of the alignment.
over 1 year ago in Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Quick Horizontal Regression by Slew

The ability to have a tool or a checkbox that lets you run a quick horizontal regression for the alignment that is entirely controlled by the slew value input and not a 'tolerance' value. This would make the quick horizontal regression tool much m...
over 1 year ago in OpenRail Designer / Regression Analysis 0 Future consideration

Stationing Text "View Readable" Setting to Honor Rotated Views

The "View Readable" Setting (SEE IMAGE 1) Should: Display text as readable when looking left up the page when the alignment is at zero degrees as the industry standard ( SEE IMAGE 2)(note that the view is unrotated and North is pointing up) Honor ...

Model a straight bridge on a curved alignment

The ability to create a straight bridge when the alignment transitions from tangent to a horizontal curve on the bridge. Currently the deck ends are controlled by the bridge skew from a radial line at the end of the deck rather than from the tange...
over 1 year ago in Geometry / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Needs review

Approach Slab Line Offset

Currently the approach slab line uses an offset distance to place it. that offset value just shifts the line that distance along the alignment, which is not what we want especially on curved bridges. That offset distance needs to be a copy paralle...
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Needs review