When you initially create a drainage area from a shape, it creates 'smart' vertices that you can grab and move with the cursor. However, after the initial catchment shape is created, the only way to add additional vertices is using the "Insert Ver...
When remapping feature definitions to an upgraded workspace the old workspace's feature definitions that are no long used remain in the DGN standards and available for use. This is a problem as the users made select them not know that the feat def...
Deed Writer Tool Enhancement to Add a Selection Set Capability to the Phrases Included Column of the Right of Way Dialog Box
Please consider adding a selection set capability to the Phrases Included column of the Right of Way Deed dialog box that opens when using the Deed Writer tool. This will help users more easily delete phrases from this column on a selection set ba...
To avoid mistakes from typing in a wrong Name of Alternate Surfaces (AltSurf) when building your Civil Template, it would be nice to have the ability to choose an existing Name of AltSurf from a dropdown-list. The dropdown-list would show existing...
Ability to lock profile when start stationing changes
Right now (2022 R1) if an alignment with a profile is extended in the start, the profile moves together with the start of the alignment. Two wishes: Possibility to lock the profile elements in their present position. Possibility to move the whole ...
U.S. surveyors traditionally work in Northing & Easting, in that order. When working with Microstation V8i, AND with Inroads loaded, the user could perform precision drafting by using the “NE= “ key-in to enter the exact northing/easting coord...
Dont reset terrain Feature Definition when changing annotation scale
Since Bentley support told me this is works as designed and to submit an idea (when obviously this should just be fixed, yes FIXED because the way its working now is just wrong!) When you're in the model that contains the terrain, and you change t...
When editing points in ITL and applying a feature name override, there should be a pick list of all currently defined name overrides. Right now the only option is to remember what names you have assigned.
Most state are or are moving to using NOAA rainfall Data. Basic IDF tables can be Downloaded and Uploaded, but it should integrate with the different Calculation methods (Table equations, Poly Log, IDF Curve.....)
Select Multiple Annotation Definitions Simultaneously While Building Annotation Group
While building an Annotation Group, Annotation Definitions have to be selected one at a time in a temporary window. Make the definition selection window persistent, and allow multiple definitions to be simultaneously selected for addition to the a...