Please add a variable MS_LEVEL_DO_NOT_OVERRIDE_DESIGN_LEVELS_IN_DRAWING that does what MS_LEVEL_DO_NOT_OVERRIDE_DESIGN_LEVELS_IN_SHEET does for sheets but for drawings
The Create 3d Automatically in the Feature Definition toolbar has the potential to be really powerful. Add the ability to have other options. The one I would most like to see is "Profile from Surface" based on vertices, locked to start and end.
Provide an option to quickly apply combined horizontal and vertical constraints to geometry elements. Where geometry lines (breaklines) intersect, they need to share a common elevation. The current process requires creating profile intersection po...
I would like the ability to place a civil cell along a survey feature that is referenced. We use a simple civil cell and cross sections to help compute existing pavement cross slopes.
Add option to use only centerline radius for superelevation calculations
Provide an option or new method to use the centerline radius (instead of inside lane radius) for divided highways that use a Crown pivot method. The Divided Inside pivot method already does this for divided highways that pivot about the inside lan...
être capable de trier par nom la liste des Terrain model
dans l'explorateur, l'onglet OpenRoad model, Terrain model; lorsqu'il y a plusieurs surfaces il n'est pas possible de trier la liste par nom. pourtant lors de la création des surfaces elles ont été fait dans l'ordre
We should be able to import profiles from elements. Because the profile drawing gives us usually like dwg file format, or like cad file format. if we draw an empty profile same dwg's profile scale on the screen, we can import dwg profiles very eas...