Geometry Connector: Add column for degree of curve for an arc
Please Add column for degree of curve for an arc. The Geometry Connector should show the Degre e of Curve for an Arc, and not just Radius. It is annoying to have to use Excel or a calculator to go back and forth when you need a curve to be a certa...
Ability to separate the annotation of curves and spirals for the rail cant
Ability to separate the annotation of curves and spirals for the rail cant. At present the Non-Linear setting is applying to both This is usefull to remove some clutter (especially where there is short elements like below;
Add ability to draw Ahead/Back Tangent line for full length from PC to PI and from PT to PI
Currently in annotation group, the back/ahead tangent line drawn at the PI only has the option for a fixed length. We would like the ability to draw back and ahead tangents the full length from PC to PI to PC. This could apply to both horizontal a...
I would like to start using RM Bridge with shell elements for transverse analysis, however, I have just found out that currently it does not provide envelope results for shell forces, this is an essential tool for live load transverse analysis.
Enhancement Geometry Builder to get the point description so that it can be used for legal description reports. Geomerty builder is quicker workflow then building pieces and complexing them together plus it allows saving the parcels.
Dynamic Settings should use Accudraw like interface rather than HS, DL, XY etc keyins
Accudraw intelligently interprets direction from the last input point. There would be no need to enter + or - on slopes as you move the cursor and lock in direction/distances. The keins would not be necessary if the template editor functioned simi...
Formulas for Rail Information included in Help Documentation
The formulas utilized in OpenRail are not properly documented within the Help Information. Several Examples include CANT. The Equilibrium Constant gives no useful information in the help documentation for understanding WHAT THIS VALUE IS. As a des...