When creating multiple sheets the files are created with no application assigned. This forces users to manually assign the application and when creating a large plan set this is a lot of extra work.
In profile view, the top of Transition Node is tied with group elevation; and bottom elevation meet the pipe. Any chances to make the only “Transition Node” showing as “point” or “line” only in Profile? J ust only one point in the invert? Setting ...
Be able to view on & off "Name, Field Code, Elevations, & Descriptions" for Geometry Points
I can view on & off "Name, Field Code, Elevations, & Descriptions" for Survey Points but for Geometry Points you have to annotate text graphics into your model. Seems to me that you should be able to view those the same weather it's a Geom...
Place one bearing at pier location for continuous span concrete girder bridge design
Ability to place only one bearing at pier location for continuous span concrete girder bridge design, two girders shearing one bearing at pier location.
We have had several profiles views disappear from our sheets and have had to recut the sheet. Would be nice to be able to manually attach the profile back to the sheet.
Our current standard workflow for roadway corridor modeling is to create a pavement corridor then a corridor for each end condition Rt and Lt. I have seen many others including some Bentley folks use this method. It would be big time saver to have...
Having the ability to create a corridor without needing a vertical can be helpful when a project involves widening. With widening, I wouldn't need a profile along the CL, but instead it would be along the EOP. Point controls can be used to attach ...