label contours from inroads. there are times we have to label elevated "graphic" lines (aka contours and or benches without having a terrain model). was very helpful in inroads)
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The civil labeler uses an ORD computed "data" not a regular element. Looked all the "pre-delivered" civil labeler didnt see any comparable to the old IRD "label contour tool"
Thanks for clarifying, this already exists. See Civil Labeler and Text Favorites.
When we design certain things. We have to label the elevation of a regular drawn elevated linestring we have to show on our plans (eg. bottom, top and benches of ponds). With the old IRD label contours tool, it reads the element elevation and annotates that said graphic line with said elevation.
Could you elaborate on this idea?
You can create a "Label" from Civil Labeler which pulls the the z value of an element.
Yes, would like to see this in ORD too.