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Status Will not implement
Categories Workspace
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 24, 2023

Migration Utilities .exe's to be updated

Currently, the Migration Utilities suite of .exe files was created for 2020 R3 release of OpenRail Designer (ORD). In earlier versions of ORD, the linear and profile symbology were linked closely together, in later version of ORD (>2022) the symbology has been separated out. When importing Feature Symbologies or Feature Definitions, an error is often encountered which you either have to abort the software, or accept that it won't import everything from your Excel sheet that's been converted into an XML by the Features.EXE utility. Anyone who wishes to modify or create a workspace would benefit from this fix. It would enable much faster manipulation of symbologies and definitions, and allow designers to tailor the software much easier.

Civil Product Used OpenRail Designer
    Mar 24, 2023

    The migration utilities that were available on Bentley Communities for earlier versions of OpenX software have been retired and will no longer be updated. Tools to create and manage Feature Definitions and related definitions such as the Feature Definition Wizard and the Details dialog are available in the software.

  • Guest
    Jun 11, 2024

    Please reconsider this decision. As noted by the other commenters, there is no way to bulk editing. There is also no good way to export the data for documentation or other purposes. This is extremely frustrating to have something useful revoked without a sufficient replacement.

  • Guest
    Apr 24, 2023

    Agreed with 28th March comment - excel is a much simpler and easier way to bulk create/edit. Please reconsider this decision!

  • Guest
    Mar 28, 2023

    In response to admin:
    Only the Feature Definition Wizard doesn't do bulk creation and editing. The ability to use excel for creation and editing in bulk and then import via Migration Utilities for definitions, symbologies and element templates is invaluable. This comes in handy when we need to setup a new workspace for a new client who has their own requirements regarding level standards for example. Another use case is when we have a level and feature standard that must contain a discipline identifier in level names, feature names and so on, with everything else the same between disciplines. Then excel is the best way of renaming everything for each discipline and then convert to xml and import to new dgnlibs. When you need to setup hundreds of feature definitions and their corresponding symbologies, element templates and levels you don't want to to do it one by one.