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Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 9, 2023

Retaining turnouts when horizontal alignments are dropped.

Currently when an alignment is dropped (no longer complex) all associated turnouts delete entirely and any geomtery created from these turnoiuts is also deleted.

This is a big issue when optioneering, or when working on a scheme with lots of turnouts for example a depot. Continously putting turnouts back in can lead to human error and is time consuming in general.

Civil Product Used OpenRail Designer
  • Guest
    Jan 10, 2023

    Hi James - I use the drop tool when I want to reverse the "make complex" function and release the alignemnt back into it's individual elemnts. This could be for a variety of reasons (last time I had to do it is as the make complex geometry tool added a graphic/construction line as part of my alignment!).

  • Admin
    James Anding
    Jan 9, 2023

    Can you elaborate on why you are dropping elements? We rarely, if ever, recommend doing this. I'm trying to understand the specific workflow you are trying to accomplish.