The manage annotations dialog that is used to create Annotation Definitions automatically saves any changes made. If the dialog is closed then all of the changes are saved even if there was not an intent to save them. Please add a save button or ask the user if they would like to save upon closing.
Civil Product Used | OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer |
Or at least add a Revert button, or Discard Changes button..... some way for the Designer to disregard/ignore/discard any changes and leave the Dialog with everything 'reverted' back to the way it was before you started trying things. Sometimes the best thing you can do is admit this effort did not really make things better and just go back to what you had. Plus it is a royal pain to keep track of, and then manually go back and undo or revert every change you might have made - some of which might have even been inadvertent.