We are seeking the ability to specify a horizontal offset from a reference when placing and modifying geometric points. Currently, options for vertical offset (delta elevation from reference) and rotation offset (from reference) are available for geometric points. Adding a horizontal offset option would facilitate the placement of traffic signs, poles, etc., as cells (and ideally parametric cells) relative to other design elements (references) such as pavement edges and verge edges modelled by corridors and linear templates.
The location of geometric points would automatically adjust according to changes in the reference element. For instance, if a pavement edge is shifted in plan (by altering corridor widths or alignment), the sign cell location would shift automatically. Extending the alignment should not affect the point location, similar to the current effects on corridors and offset strings (i.e., extending a base element of a complex).
Adding corresponding item type expressions would also enhance reporting and annotations.
Civil Product Used | OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer |
This is a feature that would be very useful when placing objects along a alignment. I have made a workaround and added, among other things, bufferstops and stationing signs under Low Voltage Assets and place these with the Place Equipment tool. LVA has the function of connecting objects to an alignment and then placing the object in relation to it. The functions in that tool should become a separate tool for placing geometric points.
Thanks James, the Civil Accudraw with station / offset option will help in this case. In order to get offset manipulator it needs to be used with the persist snap and locking both the station and the offset by Enter. What doesn’t seem possible is to get station from different element than the offset reference, e.g. have station defined by alignment and offset from pavement edge.
Have you tried using Civil Accudraw? There is an offset option for horizontal.