Set Item Types and their attributes in the Template Library
Currently item types and their attributes would need to be programmed into to read a component or selected manually after an element is displayed. If the templates in the template library had the ability to set these selections and values ahead of...
Needs ability to bring back the option when Export Corridor to IFC with Named Boundary Group in future versions of ORD This feature is removed in version but present in all previous version of ORD
Add point of reverse curvature on reverse parabolic transition
In the Superelevation Editor, being able to add a point of reverse curvature on reverse parabolic transitions will help when trying to manually define/adjust points of 0% cross slope.
In the Superelevation Editor, adding a "crown removed" option to the Point Type list would help when trying to manually define/adjust anywhere there is 0% cross slope.
Ability to modify 'Rational Method Frequency Adjustment Factor' for a specific catchment or range of catchments.
Currently there is only an option to add Rational Method Frequency Adjustment Factors for the entire storm, which affects all catchments. Our GDOT standards require modification of the factor for only C values less than 0.6.
Currently, we can label an element at a specified interval along that element. However, we like to label elements at a specified interval not along that specific element, but rather at an interval along the alignment. Could we add the option to la...
DU conduits external wall controled by Feature Symbology
We have the option to define a template to pipes external walls, but only through the feature definition. For all other elements of the pipe, OR allows for feature symbology. From my experience, symbologys work better and are more constant.