We would really benefit from having the option to Export & Import "Entire" Annotation Group/Definition Libraries in the same way we can Export/Import feature Symbologies & Feature Definitions. Currently we are limited to Export/Import only...
It would be great to have a set of tools to model a contact (third) rail - this is used by many transit systems as a traction power source for trains. There are enough nuances to the design of this rail that it warrants a dedicated tool with the a...
Ability to choose named boundary stations from another geometry
Would like to have a checkbox when creating corridors and named boundaries (particular to cross sections) to allow users to choose another geometry to pick start and stop stations. Example, I built an alignment alongside two other adjacent alignme...
Apply an Annotation Group to multiple named boundaries at a time
In cross section creation it would be helpful to batch select a group of drawing models to apply a specific annotation group to (after drawing models are created from named boundaries). For example, we usually have driveway cross sections or half ...
Key stations can now solely be places with a station input. In many cases the location of your Key Stations depends on the position of other elements, like geometry for example. Being able to give key stations a civil rule - like the Persist Snap ...
Very useful in Rock Tunnel Connections, It should work similar to Mesh Subtract in MicroStation, but should be a part of the Corridor information, like todays Corridor Clip is.
Text Favorite Attribute Pair Field Settings for Survey Points/Lines
Field Sub Types in the Text Favorite Manager for Survey Point and Linear features do not seem to have the option for prefixes or suffixes. This would be handy. I have attached a video.
Terrain Display Option/Creation without Facet Smoothing
The way Openroads currently displays terrain models is not very defined. We need to have the option to create terrains without the use of Facet Smoothing so they will display similar to how InRoads does. I've attached a sample of an InRoads Terrai...
at the moment, in Open Rail CE 2022 Release 1, we can edit speed in cant editor . it is not comfortable to have two windows (speed table and cant editor) when we design cant, speed. better solution to have it in one window
Currently there isn't a way to view contents of a terrain. This makes it very difficult to replace or remove data. There is a remove feature tool but you have to know which features are in a terrain to remove them. I am proposing an empty terrain ...