If a survey cell is rotated in a dgn file that houses a filedbook and that fieldbook is then exported to an .sqlite file the survey cell does not retain it's rotation.
Label all the points in a superelevation section with Civil Labeler
Superelevation is a tabular note that goes on the general info sheet with the super elevation diagram, so we usually just fill out the info in that tabular note. Designers just blow up the tabular note to add lines and make it work per project. If...
I have imported several groups of horizontal event points such as viaduct start and endpoints. The points include their point description. I would like to report Station, Easting, Northing and the point description but the "Horizontal Alignment Ev...
turn on "settings from design model" via variable for all sheet seeds
The new setting called "settings from design model" is a great feature, allows plan view updates in the design model to propagate to drawing models and sheets. so its basically a "container" file. unfortunately, this is set in the sheet seeds only...
I would like to have possibility to turn on static grid in geometry profile view. Something like the ability to set the main grid and minor grid intervals in the geometry profile view in the same way like it is done in drawings and sheets and make...
Calculation column in drainage and utilities flex table.
A formula could be made using existing columns to calculate a value that is atypical or not an option otherwise. I need a pipe full flow velocity check for a design. I can use excel to calculate using full flow capacity and full flow area but if t...
Creating virtual signaling elements in ORD with the tool Equipment
Curently is not possible to represent signalling virtual elements that are related to an area extent and depend from 2 elements or Pk start/end. For example a neutral section, or emergency stop area, or track circuit.
In "Template Options" dialog, add option to apply affixes to parametric constraints
The Create Template feature has a "Template Options" dialog that allows you to apply affixes to a component when dropping it into a template (e.g. automatically appending "_L" and "_R" to the end of point and component names). This feature doesn't...
Need to have an option for manual/automatic corridor processing
There is an existing option to deviate rules on a corridor. This is inconvenient and difficult to use because of the workflow associated this it: select A corridor -> deactivate rules, then select A corridor -> enable rules -> process (th...