Calculate the area of survey chains if they are enclosed shapes
Survey chains (when enclosed) have a reported area value of zero. This is seen in the properties for the geometry, and also if you try to read the area through an item type using the expression This.GetElement().EnclosedArea. Our construction staf...
Take surface template into account when analyzing volumes
Add the ability to take surface templates into account when analyzing volumes between two terrain models. That way you will not have to create a delta terrain, for instance when you want to take the clearance of top soil into account. This option ...
We would like the ability to add Mile Post annotations to alignments. One way to do this would be to add a "Begin Mile Post" property and the ability to configure the annotation group to display whole and fractional mile post annotations along the...
When editing vertical alignments. When I want to edit a complex vertical alignment by adding or removing elements I usually use Drop Complex Status because I find it easier to edit those single elements than edit apart and then use Complex Redefin...
When i call a Feature Definition in a text favorite or in my element symbology (Analytic Symbology), it allways comes with it's path. It's usually a long path and it just mess my view display with too much info. The ability to just show the name w...
When looking at point controls/parametric constraints in Corridor Objects, highlight affected point(s) in dynamic XS view.
The legacy corridor modeler would put a white crosshair in the XS view on the specific point being manipulated when the corresponding point control was selected. I'd like this same functionality in the dynamic XS view.
How to know what rules are on a specific element. we can have rules per terrain, corridor, alignement in plan and profiles but there is no way to know what rules are associated within a particular element.
When editing cant values in the edit cant feature it can be painfully slow because it recomputes all the values and redraws the table after every edit. It would be a nice to have the option of making all the edits you want and then having a button...
Update Standards from Dgnlib needs to allow user selections
Please adjust the "update standards from dgnlib" in Explorer to allow for more user control for what will update. I also want more visibility any active file, project resources that are different compared to the dgnlib resources. Consider a situat...