This tool was very useful for placing cells such as "raised pavement markers" at set distance intervals along very long stretches. Without this tool, plans involving tasks such as these, especially in transportation plans, take much longer.
Civil cells contain horizontal and vertical geometry. In practice, typically the vertical design is unique for each placement instance of design features that could utilize civil cells, even though the horizontal geometry is similar or varies para...
Template Library - List Points and Components without Feature Definitions
In the Active Template pane of the Template Library, we are able to see Point Feature Definitions and Component Feature Definitions that have been assigned. However, we are not able to easily see all Points or Components which have no Feature Defi...
In current version we do not have flexibility to change height/depth of a node from default 5.25 feet. At times we need lesser deep Nodes which does not require more than 1 or 2 feet of cover from soffit of conduit.
In GeoPak, the Active Chain Control tool was very useful for selecting a particular chain or alignment and having the location information (station, offset, etc.) be display in a dialogue box. The location information would live track with the loc...
In profile view, the top of Transition Node is tied with group elevation; and bottom elevation meet the pipe. Any chances to make the only “Transition Node” showing as “point” or “line” only in Profile? J ust only one point in the invert? Setting ...
We have had several profiles views disappear from our sheets and have had to recut the sheet. Would be nice to be able to manually attach the profile back to the sheet.
There was a command in Geopak called Copy Chai
n Parallel that was very useful in creating offsets of survey chains, and creating new points at constant delta elevations. We are
looking for the same function to be added in OpenRoads Designer.
When using drawing seeds to define named boundary limits, all of the drawing seeds available from the variable MS_DGNLIBLISTDRAWINGSEEDS are listed. This would include both the Plan version and the Profile version of a Plan&Profile sheet. This...