We need the ability to annotate component quantities on cross sections like you can the cut/fill volumes. Information could be pulled from the Quantities Report by Named Boundary.
Need the ability to flood/fill the shape of the border selected (hexagon, rectangle, etc.) so there are no gaps / white space between text field and border.
The create new survey linear tool needs to have the ability to name the element and set the field code. Currently, you have to select the new linear and enter the name and field code in the properties after it's created.
Geometry manipulator handles on offsets do not overlap with manipulator text with zero offset
Currently when offsetting elements, different manipulator handles appear, however unless you go into the preferences and changes the arrow manipulator size, it is very difficult or impossible to select the trim/extend manipulator handle because it...
OpenRoads Modeling > Terrain > Create > Additionnal Methods > Create Corridor Alternate Surfaces. Add an Toggle on/off option to create a Feature Boundary on each alternate surfaces based on the ends linear.
Allow option to label Terrain Contours using Lines/Linestrings to define paths
We regularly need to deliver contour plans to the client based on Terrains that constantly change as a 3d design develops. It is currently very hard to produce consistent contour outputs because of the manual nature of how the annotation is applie...
Ability to annotate coordinates of any location in a model
Currently you can annotate the coordinates of an object like a point or a line. I would like a tool to label the coordinates of any location in a model without needing to connect to a point or line. The annotation should support using Text Styles ...
Separate 3D line and 3D object for pipes to different levels.
In Drainage & Utilities, the 3D line and the 3D object for a pipes(conduit/link) is placed on same level. It would be great to have them on different levels - also because it can be a demand from from clients in Denmark, that the line is place...